Dr. Laurin Ostermann


The iCloud Media Library Disaster

While I have been enjoying having the world’s music readily available through Apple Music at any time for the last four months, I have not quite come to grips with the iCloud Media Library. At first, I thought it might be a good idea to use this feature, which should allow you to sync all […]

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Sound Tube Vs. Tooth Brush

A few weeks back I decided to upgrade my bathroom sound system to a Sound Tube Micro HiFi from Amazon for about 60€. While having read fairly diverse reviews – from ‘completely happy’ to ‘sent back upon arival’ – I decided to go for it and test it out myself. And I Have to say, […]

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Hiromi: The Trio Project

One of the most amazing Christmas gifts I got this season were two CDs by world-famous Japanese pianist Hiromi Uehara, who joined forces with – get this – Simon Philips on drums and Andrew Jackson on the electric bass. And with this incredible line-up she is still modest enough to call this simply ‘The Trio […]

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