Dr. Laurin Ostermann


When to buy a new MacBook Pro

With Christmas knocking at the door and my MacBook Pro turning six next year, I have given some thought to replacing my current main setup with a new one. But then, I started to hesitate and figured out all the features I would want in a new configuration. First, my current setup is a 2010 […]

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The iCloud Media Library Disaster

While I have been enjoying having the world’s music readily available through Apple Music at any time for the last four months, I have not quite come to grips with the iCloud Media Library. At first, I thought it might be a good idea to use this feature, which should allow you to sync all […]

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Bootstrap 3: accordion on non .panel divs

Ok, usually I try to keep my software-related posts rather general and not too tech-centered. But this time, I need to overstep my self-imposed boundary a little bit. I have been working on this amazing WordPress- and Bootstrap-based website for the last couple of weeks and I am slowly but steadily converging to a final […]

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Popular misunderstandings about 'Roaming'

Every year around the summer vacation season friends and family start to ask me about using their mobile phones abroad and the associated costs coming with it. Here are some comon misunderstandings and guidelines to keep your roaming expenses to a minimum. Voice calls: regular voice calls are the singly most expensive thing you can do when logged […]

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I actually want one…

The Apple Watch has been out for about a month now and, though I have not seen one live yet, I am fairly certain that I will buy one for myself once they become available in Austria, which apparently could take until this fall. I have finally decided how I should approach the purchase of […]

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Really Simple Dead Asleep

Usually, I am quite on top or even ahead of trends in tools, gadgets and technology, but with this on I had my head buried in a swamp somewhere. Only two weeks ago I finally decided to switch from visiting my favourite news websites a couple of times throughout the day to subscribing to their […]

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'Go, screw yourself, winmail.dat!'

Once in a while, I receive emails with an ominous attachment entitled ‘winmail.dat’. This happens when an Outlook user sends a message using an Exchange mail server. As you probably now, I am on Mac OS X and these winmail.dat files started to annoy the hell out of me, especially when I took up a […]

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Sound Tube Vs. Tooth Brush

A few weeks back I decided to upgrade my bathroom sound system to a Sound Tube Micro HiFi from Amazon for about 60€. While having read fairly diverse reviews – from ‘completely happy’ to ‘sent back upon arival’ – I decided to go for it and test it out myself. And I Have to say, […]

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Well, I do like my diary…

Some people might say it is old-fashioned, some might say it is way too girly and others will even consider it as plain odd, but I have really grown fond of keeping a diary over the last five years. In the year 2015 a personal journal, of course, is not some leather book you keep […]

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They don't need to know everything!

With all the information you could ever want right at your fingertips it has become increasingly valuable to large corporations to know what you care about. Your search history, your Amazon wishlist and the people you follow on Twitter are just a few things that can easily be tied together to make a comprehensive profile […]

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